DCN Next Generation System Startup en | 21
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2005 January | 9922 141 70512
i Note
If a background bitmap is imported by the
master application, the same bitmap filename is
used to load the bitmap from the /bitmap
directory. If the bitmap is not present, it is not
shown on the slave application. It is up to the
operator to copy the bitmaps.
The ‘Rotate Image’ function is active for every
Synoptic Microphone application.
The rotation angle for each layout file of the master
application is stored in the database. The rotation
angles of the slave applications will be. When a slave
application is started for the first time, its rotation
setting will be the same as that specified in the master
application. If a slave application changes the
rotation angle, it will be stored and will be applied
the next time the application is started.
i Note
Rotation angle applies only to the layout file.
Bitmap files are never rotated.
Simultaneous Interpretation
This module can run in master and slave mode.
However, in slave mode applications only have a
monitoring function.
The following restrictions apply:
• Only the ‘Print’ and ‘Exit’ options can be
selected from the ‘File’ menu. Creating, opening,
saving and deleting interpretation files is not
• The ‘Edit’ menu is disabled, so it is not possible
to edit channel language assignment and desk
language assignment.
• The ‘Settings’ menu is disabled, so it is not
possible to test microphones or change the
microphone interlock mode.
Delegate Database
This module can only run in master mode and it can
only be started once on the PC where it is configured
to run. The DCNNG API can be used as a substitute
for Delegate Database. For more information see
chapter Error! Reference source not found..
i Note
There are no restrictions concerning which
application is used, Delegate Database or
DCNNG API, but it is possible that the
database made, using the different
applications, may be mixed.
Parliamentary Voting and Multi Voting
These modules can run in master and slave mode.
However, it is not possible to run both Parliamentary
Voting (PV) and Multi Voting (MV) in a multi PC
configuration at the same time. So, when PV is
running on a PC, MV cannot be started on that PC
and vice versa. When you click on the PV or MV
icon in the Startup main window, the other voting
icon will be disabled. When the ‘Start’ button is
pressed and one of the voting applications is started,
the icon of the other voting application will be
disabled on all other PCs. If a voting application
cannot be started for a different reason, such as the
PV and MV applications being started at exactly the
same time on two different PCs, a message box will
appear and the start up will not proceed.
In slave mode, these applications only have a
monitoring function.
i Note
In slave mode, only the ‘Results’ window can
be seen.
The following restrictions apply:
• Only the ‘Exit’ option can be selected from the
‘File’ menu. Creating, opening, saving, deleting
or printing voting scripts is not possible.
• You cannot prepare a voting script.
• You cannot edit votings.
• You cannot control voting in any way, such as
starting, stopping, holding and restarting a voting
• Voting settings cannot be changed.
i Note
For more information about the settings and
parameters used in Parliamentary Voting and
Multi Voting, please refer to the User Manuals.
i Note
Both master and slave applications can
independently select which group results are
shown in the ‘Results’ window.
This module can only run in master mode and can
only be started once on the PC where it is configured
to run. This application of Intercom automatically
becomes the master application.
Attendance Registration
This module can run in master and slave mode.
However, in slave mode applications only have a
monitoring function. The following restrictions apply:
• You cannot specify whether ‘Access’ or
‘Attendance’ is on.