MIC-WKTI and MIC-WKT-IR Installation Manual EN | 10
Bosch Security Systems Issue 1
To connect a third party washer pump, please do the following:-
1. Fit the washer nozzle to the appropriate bracket (wall or corner mount)
and then fix the washer nozzle bracket to the wall or corner bracket
using one of the M8 fixing bolts, ensure the washer nozzle points
towards the camera and does not obstruct the camera view see photo’s
on page 12 and 13 for installation of washer nozzle bracket.
2. Fit the washer pump and reservoir in a suitable location taking all
necessary safety precautions, observing the manufacturers instructions
and all applicable local building codes.
3. Connect the 5mm tubing from the pump to the washer nozzle.
4. Ensure the MIC400 Power Supply Unit is completely disconnected from
the power source.
5. Open the PSU lid and locate the washer pump drive header SK1 at the
upper left hand side of the 705-200 Washer Pump Drive Card (see
figure 2).
6. Feed the washer pump drive power cable through the one of the
weatherproof glands on the Power Supply Unit, leave sufficient slack to
connect to the SK1 terminal then tighten the gland. Bosch Security
Systemsstrongly recommends that the washer pump power cable
should be protected externally by a suitably rated fuse.
7. Connect the washer pump drive power cable to the 705-200 Washer
Pump Drive Card using the SK1 terminal, the connections required are
shown below:-
8. Secure all external pipe work and cabling, fill the reservoir then plug in
the MIC400 Power Supply Unit.
9. Press the push to test button (SW1) to test the pump operation, hold
button SW1 down to expel the air from the tubing & prime the pump for
10. When the pump is primed, close the MIC400 Power Supply Unit.
11. Point the MIC400 at the wash nozzle and set the wash wipe position via
the control room interface or via a laptop using Camset.
SK1 Pump Connections
1 Live
2 Neutral
3 Pump Neutral
4 Pump Live
CAUTION: Electrical Danger: Ensure all power is
disconnected before opening or working upon the MIC400
Power Supply Unit.
Installation must be carried out by suitably qualified persons
WARNING: The 705-200 may be connected via header SK1
to 240vAC or 24vAC pump systems. A correctly rated fuse
MUST be fitted for the expected current draw of the pump
system. Nominally this would be 2.5A for 240V and 5A for
24V pumps. In addition Bosch Security Systems
recommends that the external power supply feeding the
washer pump is protected with a suitably rated fuse.
Bosch Security Systems accepts no liability for damage or
injury caused by incorrect fuse installation.