VIP X2 | Installation and Operating Manual EN | 133
Bosch Security Systems | 2006-12 | V2.5 Appendix
iSCSI Storage over IP process for storage networks; specifies how
storage protocols are operated over IP.
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
JPEG An encoding process for still images
(Joint Photographic Experts Group)
kBit/s Kilobits per second, the actual data rate
LAN See Local area network
Local area network A communications network serving users within a limited geo-
graphical area such as a building or university campus. It is con-
trolled by a network operating system and uses a transfer proto-
LUN Logical Unit Number (logical drive in iSCSI storage systems)
MAC Media Access Control
MIB Management Information Base; a collection of information for
remote servicing using the SNMP protocol
MPEG-4 A further development of MPEG-2 designed for transmitting
audiovisual data at very low transfer rates (for example over the
Net mask A mask that explains which part of an IP address is the network
address and which part is the host address. It is usually written
in dotted decimal notation, for example ""
NTP Network Time Protocol is a standard for synchronizing the sys-
tem clocks in computers in packet switching networks. NTP uses
the stateless protocol, UDP. NTP was designed to provide
dependable time synchronization in networks with variable
latency (ping times).
Parameters Values used for configuration
QCIF Quarter CIF, video format with 176 × 144/120 pixels
RADIUS server Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service is a client-server
protocol for authentication, authorization, and accounting of
users in dial-in connections for computer networks. RADIUS is
the de-facto standard for centralized authentication of dial-ins for
modems, ISDN, VPN, wireless LAN (see 802.1x), and DSL.
RFC 868 A protocol for synchronizing computer clocks over the Internet
RS232/RS422/RS485 Standards for serial data transmission
RTP Realtime Transport Protocol; a transmission protocol for real-
time video and audio
SNIA Storage Networking Industry Association; association of compa-
nies for defining the iSCSI standard
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol; a protocol for network
management, for managing and monitoring network compo-