NOTE: Power is always supplied to the subwoofer electronics unless it is unplugged or switched to the off position using
the power switch located on the rear panel. The auto-on circuitry only activates or deactivates the power amplifier.
Make sure your subwoofer and receiver are unplugged when making the connection.
Power: When plugging your subwoofer in be sure to use a wall outlet, or dedicated electrical outlet. Some receivers will
provide a switched outlet. Do not use this. These on board electrical outlets do not offer the amount of current or proper
isolation required by a power amplifier, such as the one in your amplifier.
Speaker Level
Use these high-level terminals with receivers that do not have a subwoofer output. The speaker inputs accept both left and
right channel speaker signals from your receiver. When using a home theater receiver, set the speaker type to “Large.”
The large setting will produce a fuller sound.
Optional: Connect the speakers to the output speaker terminals on the subwoofer.
Adjusting the Crossover Control
When using the Speaker Level inputs (not the LINE input) the subwoofer’s built-in crossover is engaged. Use 120Hz or 150Hz
for small speakers, 80Hz for large bookshelf speakers and 50-60Hz for floorstanding speakers. Fine-tune the crossover setting
by ear for the smoothest blend with your main speakers. The best setting of the crossover control will depend on speaker
placement and personal preference.
Receiver Subwoofer Amplier
Subwoofer AmplierReceiver
Line Level
Select ”subwoofer-yes” from your receiver’s set-up menu. If the receiver gives a choice of crossover filter frequency, Use 120Hz
or 150Hz for small speakers, 80Hz for large bookshelf speakers and 50-60Hz for floorstanding speakers. Hooked up this way,
the receiver’s amplifier is relieved of having to reproduce the difficult low bass signals that can drive the receiver into audible
distortion. In some cases, it can also depend on several other settings within a receiver. We recommend consulting your
receiver manual for further assistance in this area.
Turn off all power. Use a subwoofer cable, as shown, to connect your digital receiver’s LFE subwoofer output to the subwoofer.
Connect the other end to the Line Level In.
Power On/Off
Plug the subwoofer’s AC cord into a wall outlet. Do not use the outlets on the back of the receiver. Set the power switch to
the desired setting.
OFF – The subwoofer is off and will not produce any sound. You may want to turn your subwoofer off if you will not be using
it for some time or wish to conserve electricity.
ON – The subwoofer is always on. If no signal is detected after several minutes, it will automatically enter the Mute mode.
An LED indicator indicates what mode the subwoofer is in:
OFF – The subwoofer is off
RED – Mute (No signal detected, Amp Off)
GREEN – Audio On (Signal detected, Amp On)
The subwoofer will automatically enter the Mute mode after several minutes when no signal is detected from your system.
The subwoofer audio will then turn ON instantly when a signal is detected.
Crossover Control
Adjusts the frequency of the low pass filter for the subwoofer Speaker Level Input. Note: This control is not active when
using the LFE input jack.
Volume Control
Turn the subwoofer Volume control to the 9 o’clock position. If the subwoofer makes no sound, check the AC-line cord, Power
switch, and input cables. (Are the connectors on the cables making proper contact? Is the AC-line cord connected to a “live”
receptacle, is the subwoofer in either the Auto or On position?)
Adjust the subwoofer Volume control until you hear a match between the main speaker and subwoofer. Bass response should
not overpower the room but rather be adjusted so there is a natural blend across the entire musical range.
Polarity Control
(0° or 180°): Selects regular (0°) or inverted (180°) phase for the subwoofer. Set this switch to provide the fullest, most
dynamic bass. The effect of phase will be most audible on low-frequency percussion instruments or music with a
continuously repeating bass line.
Receiver Subwoofer Amplier