
Tools Required
These are the tools required
to complete the basic instal-
lation of the Boston Rally
Series speakers. Additional
tools are necessary for more
custom work.
1. Electric drill with
8" (3mm)
4" (6mm) bits
2. Phillips screwdriver
3. Saber saw, hole saw or
4. Utility knife
5. Silicon sealant or weather
stripping (optional)
6. Pliers or 7mm wrench (RM9
Before You Begin
Familiarize yourself with the location of fuel lines, hydraulic brake lines
and electrical wiring. Use extreme caution when cutting or drilling around
these parts.
Shut off all stereo and other electrical devices before you start.
Protect the speakers by keeping them in their plastic bags until final
installation. Speakers attract metal chips and filings. Always rest the
speakers with their cones and tweeters facing up.
Never use force when installing any speaker.
Check clearances on both sides of a mounting surface before drilling
any holes or installing any screws. Some screws require over an inch of
clearance behind the mounting surface.
Use a utility knife to cut fabric away from hole locations before you
drill or cut. Fabric is easily snagged by drill bits and hole saws.
Always wear protective eyewear when cutting and drilling holes or
when using power tools.