Key features
• Bostondesignedtweetersforcrystalline
high-frequency sound
Deep Channel® Design (DCD)
for more bass from less amplier power
• Castaluminumbaes
• Easy-installfeaturesforexisting
walls or ceilings
• Paint-readysurfaceallowsyouto
match your wall or ceiling nish
What it means to be from Boston
First and foremost, Boston is an engineering company, and every Boston system is optimized to meet
the highest performance standards (our own). Of course, performance is only one measure of value.
So we’re careful to build all our products with strict attention to everything from the choice of materials
to the details of t and nish. It’s how we’ve been exceeding the expectations of serious listeners for
more than thirty years.
Optional Accessories
Magnetic grilles for
easy installation
Reduced Bezel Design for seamless
integration with the wall or ceiling
VSi 5830
3-Way 8” In-Ceiling Speaker
VSi 5835
3-Way 8” In-Wall Speaker
3-Way LCR
VSi 580T2
8” Stereo In-Ceiling Speaker
2-Way LCR
VSi 555W2
2-Way Dual 5¼” In-Wall Speaker
Single Speaker Stereo
Cover Plates
New Construction Brackets
Fire Rated Back Boxes