Be Strong. Stay Strong.
SECTION 4: Exercises
Wide Rows
Muscles Worked:
Rear deltoid, rear portion of the middle deltoid,
posterior rotator cuff, upper lats and teres minor
Key Points:
Place the feet in a comfortable shoulder width
Keep the chest lifted, abs tight and a very slight
arch in the lower back.
Lean forward slightly at the hip while keeping
the upper body in alignment.
Your forearms should always point in the direc-
tion of the dumbbells.
While standing holding the dumb-
bells, lean forward at the hip allowing
the arms to extend directly in line with
the resistance.
Keep your spine in a stable position.
Rotate the shoulder so that you palms
are facing behind you.
Allow your arms to bend as you
go, move your elbows outward and
backward keeping a 70-90 degree
angle between your upper arms and
your torso.
Move until your elbows are slightly
behind your shoulders, then slowly
reverse the action keeping the rear
shoulder muscles tightened during
the entire motion.
Lateral Raise
Muscles Worked:
Front and middle deltoids
Key Points:
Do not swing the arms upward or move the
trunk during the motion.
Maintain good spinal alignment.
Grab the dumbbells with the palms
facing each other.
Stand with your feet slightly wider
than shoulder width apart.
Maintain an erect spinal alignment
with the chest lifted, abs tight and a
slight curve in the lower back.
Raise arms directly outward, then
upward, to approximately shoulder
Lift your hand and elbow at the same
Do turn or rotate your arms while
raising them.
Keep the side of your arm/elbow
facing out/up throughout the