• Fresh grinds are the key to making coffee
with more flavor and body.
• Coffee flavor and strength is a personal
preference. Vary the type of coffee beans,
amount of coffee and fineness of grind
to achieve the flavor you prefer.
• Use freshly roasted coffee beans,
preferably with a ‘roasted on’ date.
• Store coffee beans in a dark, cool and
dry place. Vacuum seal if possible.
• Buy coffee beans in small batches to
reduce the storage time and store no
more than one week’s supply at any time.
• Once coffee is ground it quickly loses its
flavor and aroma. For best results, grind
beans immediately before brewing.
• Only grind the amount of coffee you will
use for preparing coffee within the next
hour. Ground coffee looses its aroma and
flavor very fast and attracts other odors.
• Do not store beans in the Bean Hopper
for a prolonged period.
• When storing the grinder, run the
grinder empty to clear the Grind Outlet
of any beans.
• Run grinder for 2 seconds before each
use for maximum freshness.
• Clean the Bean Hopper and Conical
Burrs regularly.
• When using espresso pump machines
and automatic coffee centers: If your
coffee or espresso brews too fast, try a
finer grind size setting. If your coffee or
espresso brews too slow, try a coarser
grind size setting.
• For French Press: Please follow the
instructions of your French Press coffee
maker (after pouring water over the
ground coffee, stir thoroughly to prevent
the ground coffee from clogging).
• Dark, oily beans: Grind dark oily beans
one or two settings coarser than medium
or light brown beans. On the finest
settings, it is possible that oil residue from
dark, oily beans can clog the Grind Outlet.
• Clogging and Overflow: If your grinder
cannot process the water through the
grounds, overflow or clogging might
occur. Choose a coarser grind size
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