MODEL: 911770 / 4000 SERIES
Controlling Temperature
KEG allows you to control cooking temperature by
regulating airfl ow through the top and bottom dampers. The more you
open the dampers, the more air will fl ow through and the hotter the
temperature will get. Small adjustments to the dampers will impact
the cooking chamber temperature.
Cooking At Low Temperatures
For cooking at low temperatures - below 300°F - manage
the temperature closely so not to exceed desired cooking
temperature when starting the fire. It is important to get the
dampers in the 1 position (or lower) before the fi re gets too hot.
Cooking The First Time
Grate Positions
KEG allows you to adjust the position of the cooking
grates to suit your needs. The cast iron cooking grate has two
positions. The lower position enables the grill to accommodate
larger dishes like whole turkeys or roasts. For smaller items, you
may want to use the higher position.
The Multi-Tool can be used to adjust the grate position. Make sure
the tab on the tool fi ts the notch on the cast iron grill grate.
The chrome plated grill grate provides an additional cooking surface.
When using the chrome grate, the cast iron grate must be in the
lower locked position. The chrome plated cooking grate can swing
out of the way to access the lower cooking grate during cooking.
When you’re ready to shut down the
KEG, close both
dampers to put fi re out completely.
You may still have unused charcoal left, leave it there, it is still good
to use the next time you fi re up your BROIL KING
KEG. As for the
grease left on the grill - cook it off at the beginning of the next use
as it will continue to season the grill grate.
Adjust the dampers
using the Multi-Tool.