7. Hold garden sprayer nozzle close to finned areas and
apply cleaner with a vertical, up-and-down motion.
Avoid spraying in horizontal pattern to minimize po-
tential for fin damage.
8. Ensure cleaner thoroughly penetrates deep into finned
9. Interior and exterior finned areas must be thoroughly
10. Finned surfaces should remain wet with cleaning
solution for 10 minutes.
11. Ensure surfaces are not allowed to dry before rinsing.
Reapply cleaner as needed to ensure 10-minute satur-
ation is achieved.
12. Thoroughly rinse all surfaces with low velocity clean
water using downward rinsing motion of water spray
nozzle. Protect fins from damage from the spray
13. Replace top cover and rear corner posts.
Table 14 – Torque Values
Compressor mounting bolts 65---75 in–lbs
(734–847 N–cm )
Condenser fan motor mounting bolts 20 ±2in–lbs
(226 ±23 N–cm)
Condenser fan hub setscrew 84 ±2in–lbs
(949 ±136 N–cm)
High-flow service port 96 ±10 in–lbs
(1085 ±23 N–cm)
Schrader-type service check valve 2–3 in–lbs
(23–34 N–cm )
Compressor oil sightglass thread 330 ±31 in–lbs
(23–34 N–cm )
Compressor to Compressor rail torque 120–168 in–lbs
(1356–1898 N–cm )
Compressor rail to base pan torque 70 ±5in–lbs
(791 ±57 N–cm)
Contactor Open
1. Power off. 1. Restore power.
2. Fuses blown in field power circuit. 2. After finding cause and correcting, replace with correct si ze fuse.
3. No control power . 3. Chec k co nt ro l tr ans for me r pri mar y conne ct i ons and ci rc ui t bre ake r.
4. Thermostat circuit open. 4. Check t hermostat setting.
5. Safety device lockout circuit active. 5. Rese t lock out cir cu it.
6. Low-pressure switch open. 6. Check for re fri gera nt underc har ge, obs t ruc t i on of indo o r airfl o w. Make
sure liquid line solenoid valve(s) is open.
7. High-pressure switch open. 7. Check for refrigerant overcharge, obstruction of outdoor airflow, air in s ystem.
Be sure outdoor fans are operat ing correctl y.
8. Compressor overtemperature switch open. 8. Check for open condition. Allow for reset. Replace compressor if necessary.
9. Loose electrical connections. 9. Tighten all c onne ct i ons .
10. Compressorstuck. 10.Seecompressorserviceliterature.
Contactor Closed
1. Compressor leads loose. 1. Check conne ct i ons .
2. Motor windings open. 2. See compressor service literature.
3. Single phasing. 3. Check for blown fuse. Check for loose connection at compressor t erminal.
Outdoor Fan On
1. High-pressure switch faulty. 1 . Rep la ce sw itch.
2. Reversed fan rotation. 2. Confirm rot ati on, co rrec t i f neces sar y.
3. Airflow restricted. 3. Remove ob str uc tion.
4. Air recirculating. 4. Cl ear airflow area.
5. Noncondensables in system. 5. Recover refrigerant and recharge as required.
6. Refrigerant overcharge. 6. Recover r efrigerant as required.
7. Line voltage incorrect. 7. Consult power company.
8. Refrigerant system restrictions. 8. Check or replace fil ter drier, expansion valve, etc.
Outdoor Fan Off
1. Fanslipsonshaft. 1.Tightenfanhubsetscrews.
2. Motor not running. 2. Check power and capacitor.
3. Motor bearings stuck. 3. Re place bea rings.
4. Motor overload open. 4. Check overload rating. Check for fan blade obstruction.
5. Motor burned out. 5. Replace motor.