PL — Plug Assembly
PRI — Primary
QT — Quadruple Terminal
RAT — Return Air Temperature Sensor
RS — Rollout Switch
SN — Sensor
SW — Switch
TB — Terminal Block
TC — Thermostat Cooling
TH — Thermostat Heating
TRAN — Transformer
Terminal (Marked)
Terminal (Unmarked)
Terminal Block
Factory Wiring
Field Wiring
Option/Accessory Wiring
To indicate common potential only;
not to represent wiring.
Economizer Motor
Remote POT Field Accessory
OAT Sensor
Disch Air Sensor
RAT Accessory Sensor
Low Ambient Lockout Switch
AHA — Adjustable, Heat Anticipator
C—Contactor, Compressor
CAP — Capacitor
CB — Circuit Breaker
CC — Cooling Compensator
CH — Crankcase Heater
CLO — Compressor Lockout
COMP — Compressor Motor
CR — Control Relay
DM — Damper Motor
DU — Dummy Terminal
EQUIP — Equipment
FPT — Freeze Protection Thermostat
FU — Fuse
GND — Ground
HPS — High-Pressure Switch
HS — Hall Effect Sensor
HV — High Voltage
IAQ — Indoor Air Quality Sensor
IDM — Induced-Draft Motor
IFC — Indoor-Fan Contactor
IFCB — Indoor-Fan Circuit Breaker
IFM — Indoor-Fan Motor
IGC — Integrated Gas Unit
LED — Light-Emitting Diode
LOR — Lockout Relay
LPS — Low-Pressure Switch
LS — Limit Switch
MGV — Main Gas Valve
NEC — National Electrical Code
OAT — Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor
OCCUP — Occupancy Sensor
OFC — Outdoor Fan Contactor
OFM — Outdoor Fan Motor
1. Compressor and/or fan motor(s) thermally protected three-phase motors protected against primary single
phasing conditions.
2. If any of the original wire furnished must be replaced, it must be replaced with Type 90° C or its equivalent.
3. Jumpers are omitted when unit is equipped with economizer.
4. IFCB must trip amps is equal to or less than 140% FLA.
5. On TRAN1 use BLK lead for 460-v power supply and ORN lead for 575-v power supply.
6. The CLO locks out the compressor to prevent short cycling on compressor overload and safety devices;
before replacing CLO check these devices.
7. Number(s) indicates the line location of used contacts. A bracket over (2) numbers signifies a single pole,
double throw contact. An underlined number signifies a normally closed contact. Plain (no line) number
signifies a normally open contact.
8. 620 Ohm, 1 watt, 5% resistor should be removed only when using differential enthalpy or dry bulb.
9. If a separate field-supplied 24-v transformer is used for the IAQ sensor power supply, it cannot have the
secondary of the transformer grounded.
10. OAT sensor is shipped inside unit and must be relocated in the field for proper operation.
11. For field-installed remote minimum position POT, remove black wire jumper between P and P1 and set
control minimum position POT to the minimum position.