Failure to follow this warning could result in personal injury,
death or property damage.
Do not insert sticks, screwdrivers, or any other objects into
revolving fan blades.
The fan must be kept free of all obstructions to ensure proper cool-
ing. Contact your dealer for any required service.
Electrical Controls and W
Electricalcontrolsaredifficultto checkwithoutproperinstrumenta-
tion. If there are any discrepancies in the operating cyc le, contact
your local dealer and request service.
Refrige rant
erequipment. Ifinadequatecoolingis suspected,contactyour local
dealer for service.
Failure to follow this warning could result in personal injury,
death or property damage.
System under pressure. Relieve pressure and recover all
refrigerant before system repair or final unit disposal. Use all
service ports and open all flow--control devices, including
solenoid valves.
Unit Panels
Afterperforming any maintenanceor serviceon theunit,besureall
panels are fastened securely in place to prevent rain from entering
unitcabinetandtopreventdisruptionof thecorrectunitairflowpat-
Regular Dealer Maintenance
In addition to the type of routinemaintenanceyou might bewilling
to perform, your unit should be inspected regularly by a properly
trained service technician. An inspection (preferably each year, but
at least every other year) should include the following:
1. Inspection and, if required, cleaning of the outdoor and
indoor coils.
2. Inspection and, if required, cleaning of theindoor coildrain
3. Inspectionandcleaningofblowerwheelhousingandmotor.
4. Inspection of all supply--air and return --air ducts for leaks,
obstructions, and insulation integrity. Any problems found
should be resolved at this time.
5. Inspectionoftheunitbasetoensurethatnocracks,gaps,etc.,
exist which may cause a hazardous condition.
6. Inspection of the unit casing for signs of deterioration.
7. Inspection of all electrical wiring and components to assure
proper connection.
8. Inspectionfor leaksin therefrigerant circuit.Pressure check
to determine appropriate refrigerant charge.
9. Inspection of compressor oil level by service person to
it is installed and running.
10. Operational check of the unit to determine working
Your servicing dealermay offeran economicalservicecontract that
covers seasonal inspections. Ask for further details.
Complete service instructions can be found in the unit Installation,
Start-- up and Service Instructions.
Warranty Certificat e
Your unit has a limited warranty. Be sure to read the warranty care-
fully to determine the coverage for your unit.
Before you call for service...
...check for several easily--solved problems.
If insufficient heating or cooling is s uspected:
( ) Check for sufficient a irflow . Check the air filter for dirt. Check
for blocked return--air or supply--air grilles. Be sure they are open
and unobstructed. If these checksdo not reveal the cause, call your
servicing dealer.
If your unit is not operating at all, check the following list for
easy solutions:
( ) Check to be sure that the temperature specified by your User
son orabove theindoortemperatureduring heating season. Besure
the User Interface is set to COOL or HEAT and not OFF.
( ) If your unit still fails to ope rate, call your servicing dealer for
troubleshooting and repairs. Specify the model and serial numbers
of your unit. (Record them in this manualin thespace provided.)If
the dealer knows exactly which unit you have, he may be able to
offer suggestions over the phone, or save valuable time through
knowledgeable preparation for the service call.
In Case of Trouble
Ifyou perform thestepsaboveand unitperformanceis stillunsatis-
factory, shut off the unit and call your dealer.
Manufacturer reserves the right tochange, at any time, specifications anddesigns without notice andwithout obligations.
E2006 Bryant Heating& Cooling Systems,7310 W. MorrisSt. Indpls, IN 46231
Heating & Cooling Systems
TO OBTAIN INFORMATION ON PARTS: Consult your installing dealer or classified section of your local telephone directory under the
“Heating Equipment” or “Air C onditioning Contractors & Systems” heading for dealer listing by brand name.
Have available the Model No., Series Letter, & Serial No. of your equipment to ensure correct replacement part.
Printedin the U.S.A. Edition Date:07/06
Catalog No: OM01---76
Replaces: New