This grinder has an attached cordset and requires 2-wire, grounded service rated 120 volts ac, 15 amp,
single phase, 60 Hz.
Off/On/Start Switch
OFF - (upper position) Switching to this position stops all operation of the grinder.
ON - (middle position) The switch will return to this position after a grind cycle has begun and
will remain in this position after grinding has ceased.
START - (lower, momentary position) Pressing the switch to this position and releasing initiates
a grind cycle.
Hopper Selector Switch
LEFT - Switching to this position allows beans to be ground from the left
RIGHT - Switching to this position allows beans to be ground from the
right hopper.
Dispense Timer - DG-2
The dispense timer controls the amount of beans that will be ground in a cycle. The timer can be adjusted
to dispense a different amount from each hopper. The scale is from 0.1 to 60.0 seconds. Refer to the
Adjustments section for timer setting chart. See page 7.
+/Increase - (left momentary push-button)
Pressing this button will increase the dispense interval on the timer while
the readout is displayed. The interval will change slowly for the first second’s
indication, then speed-up for the next fifteen second’s indication, and increase
very fast after that until it reaches the limit on the scale.
DISPLAY - (center momentary push-button)
Pressing this button will display the current timer readout. The timer can
only be adjusted while the readout is displayed. The indication on the display
will last for five minutes.
–/Decrease - (right momentary push-button)
Pressing this button will decrease the dispense interval on the timer while
the readout is displayed. The interval will change slowly for the first second’s
indication, then speed-up for the next fifteen second’s indication, and increase very fast after that until it reaches
the limit on the scale.