Troubleshooting (Continued)
Replace BIB, see Loading the Concentrate
Check BIB Connector Fittings
Check Tubing Installation
Check Threshold, see Field Calibrating the
Empty BIB Warning
Concentrate BIB is Empty.
BIB Not properly connected
Tubing kinked or blocked
Empty BIB Warning set too high
Right Refill LED “ON”
Right BIB Empty
Replace BIB, see Loading the Concentrate
Check BIB Connector Fittings
Check Tubing Installation
Check Threshold, see Field Calibrating the
Emoty BIB Warning
Concentrate BIB is Empty.
BIB Not properly connected
Tubing kinked or blocked
Empty BIB warning set too high
Left Refill LED “ON”
Left BIB Empty
Replace BIB, see loading the ConcentrateLeft Dispenser will not operate
Left Refill LED
Empty BIB Lockout
Replace BIB, see loading the Concentrate
Remove the lower splash guard to view the
Fault message, See Diagnostics. After the
fault has been repaired or corrected - Hold
the “Stop” button for 10 seconds to clear
the message.
Left Dispenser will not operate
The Dispenser has detected an
Internal Fault
Left Refill LED
Empty BIB Lockout
Fault Detected
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