* Indicates the part number listed is for reference only. See DESCRIPTION for possible service replacement.
58 38466.0000 1 Decal, Shut-off
59 00651.0000 1 Decal, BUNN
60 38278.0002* 2 Edging 36.0" (Order item 73)
61 38839.0000 1 Stand
62 38745.1000 1 Bag Divider (Includes Item 63)
63 38278.0001* 1 Edging 9.5" (Order item 72)
38278.0003* 2 Edging 1.0" (Order item 72)
64 39216.0000 1 Screen Filter (Late Models)
65 27574.0000 1 Sealing Washer
The Following Items Are Not Illustrated
66 00674.0000 1 Brush, Tube .75"
00674.1000 1 Brush, Tube .75" (Includes 6 Brushes)
67 M2531.0000 1 Lube&Sealant Compound
68 37721.1000 - Tube, Silicone .25" ID x 12.0"
37721.1001 - Tube, Silicone .25" ID x 36.0"
37721.1002 - Tube, Silicone .25" ID x 120.0"
69 20976.1000 - Tube, Silicone .375" ID x 12.0"
20976.1001 - Tube, Silicone .375" ID x 36.0"
20976.1002 - Tube, Silicone .375" ID x 120.0"
70 37747.1002 - Parts Bag (Includes items 1,5,23,37,48 & 50)(with 3.0" BIB hose)
37747.1003 - Parts Bag (Includes items 1,5,37,47,48,49,50 & 52)(with 36.0" BIB hose)
71 38471.0000 - Kit, Faucet Seat Cup (Includes items 41 & 43)
72 28707.0004 - Kit, Faucet Repair (Includes items 38 & 40-43)
73 38278.1002 - Edging 36.0" (Use as required)
74 39169.0000 - Tube Replacement Kit (Includes items 25,29,46,48-50)(Two Kits required for TCD-2)
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