
Warnings and Notices
GPS System & Map Data Accuracy Notice:
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is operated by the government of the United
States, which is solely responsible for its accuracy and maintenance. The system
All map data sources contain some level of inaccuracies or incomplete data.
Bushnell strives to provide the most recent map information at a reasonable cost.
This device is intended as a supplemental handheld navigation aide only. The
user assumes all responsibility associated with the use of this product. It must not
be used for any purpose requiring precise measurement of location, direction,
distance, velocity or topography. This device should not be used for any aircraft
navigation applications.
battery. Check the battery compartment after the unit has had any prolonged
exposure to signicant amounts of water (rain, snow, etc).
Vehicular Use Notice:
Bushnell is committed to the safe and responsible enjoyment of the outdoors.
injury or death if the operator fails to practice prudent driving practices. It is the
sole responsibility of the driver of any vehicle to operate the motor vehicle in a
safe manner. Information from the GPS unit can distract the operator of a motor
vehicle. It is unsafe to operate the controls of the GPS unit while operating a motor
vehicle. If used in a motor vehicle, it must not be used by the operator of the
motor vehicle. If it is used in a motor vehicle it must be mounted in a manner such
that it does not distract the operator, does not interfere with the operator’s eld of
view, and does not block or interfere with the air bags or other safety mechanisms
of the motor vehicle.