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L7 Some high school
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7. El Completed high school
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4. Insu~~ncc!/financial prodrrcts
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1. 17 8wcrican Express
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in my ~~~~1~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
ira Be ~~1~~~~~~ ~~t~~~tia~~
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1. El Automotive work
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TO. fl Inveslments (muI& funds, I+%)
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4. 17 ~~~~pi~~g/~~il(ing
22. El Movie watching
5. I I Casino gambling
23, El Own a cat
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1‘11 Cralts
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9. [I Cycling
0 Read books
70. 0 Do-it.yourself
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I .i. C1 Enter sweepstakes/contests 29. 0 Self improvement
1%. U Fishing
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I Cc. n Fitness/exercise/jogging
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14. N Gardenina
15. II GOll .’
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16. L7 Goumiet cooking/f~illoodkirles 34. El ‘IV shopping
I 7. 0 Grandchildren
35. n V~tanlins/tiatural foods
18. ! 1 Home decorating
36. 63 Watch sporls on TV
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