There are two factory-installed Oval Vacuum Chamber Seals on the Vacuum
Sealer. When the Vacuum Lid is closed and downward force applied, they form an
airtight seal so the Vacuum Chamber can be evacuated.
The Oval Vacuum Chamber Seals may wear over time and require replacement.
See the “Maintenance Kit” section of this manual for information on replacing the
Oval Vacuum Chamber Seals, if necessary.
The Vacuum Sealer has an Internal Cooling Fan that runs whenever the unit
is plugged in and turned on. To save energy, turn the unit “OFF” and unplug
the Power Cord when not in use.
The Vacuum Sealer will automatically shut down if it overheats. If this occurs, turn
the unit off and open the Vacuum Lid. Resume normal operation after the unit cools
or about 20 minutes.
To help prevent overheating, wait at least 20 seconds between cycles with the
Vacuum Lid open. Avoid touching the Teon Tape. The Teon Tape will remain
hot for a brief period of time after each sealing cycle.
The Vacuum Sealer is equipped with a switch to prevent actuation of the Seal Bar
Heating Element in manual mode when the Vacuum Lid is open. When the Vacu-
um Lid is closed, heat made by the Seal Bar Heating Element is absorbed by the
vacuum bag and Vacuum Lid Seal.
When the Vacuum Lid is open, there is no means to dissipate the heat and unit
damage may occur.
WARNING! Before cleaning, assembling or disassembling the
Vacuum Sealer, make sure the Vacuum Sealer is OFF and the PLUG IS
NOTE: The Vacuum Sealer is ONLY intended to be used with VACUUM BAGS. For
best results, only use the recommended vacuum bags. DO NOT USE HOUSEHOLD
BAGS! Any other uses of the Vacuum Sealer, other than the uses described in this
booklet, could potentially damage the appliance and void the warranty!
the foods are already chilled when they go into the insulated hamper. The
hamper won’t chill food - it just keeps food cold when properly packed with
ice. Hot cooked foods should be placed in shallow containers and immediately
refrigerated so they cool rapidly. Make sure to cover foods after they are cool.
NOTE: Special considerations must be made when using venison or other wild
game, since it can become heavily contaminated during eld dressing. Venison
is often held at temperatures that could potentially allow bacteria to grow, such
as when it is being transported. Refer to the USDA Meat and Poultry Department
for further questions or information on meat and food safety.