
Section 1. Preparation and Siting
These guidelines apply to several different Campbell Scientific weather stations.
1.1 Installation Tasks
1.1.1 Indoors
Immediately upon receipt of your shipment…
Open shipping cartons.
Check contents against invoice. Contact CSI immediately about any
Several days prior to the planned installation date…
Collect tools and site information (Section 1)
Assemble datalogger, communications device, and power supply in
enclosure (Section 3)
Install datalogger support software on PC (Section 5)
Establish communications between the datalogger and the PC
(Section 5)
Program datalogger, test sensors, and retrieve data (Section 5)
Trial run the tower / tripod installation, assembling as much as
possible (Section 2)
Repackage equipment for transport to the field site
1.1.2 Outdoors
Locate suitable site (Section 1)
Prepare tower or tripod base (Section 2)
Tripod and UT10 (3 meter tower) tower stations:
Raise tripod or tower (Section 2)
Install instrumentation enclosure (Section 3)
Install sensors (Section 4)