Section 6. Maintenance and
These guidelines apply to several Campbell Scientific weather stations.
6.1 Maintenance
Proper maintenance of weather station components is essential to obtain
accurate data. Equipment must be in good operating condition, which requires
a program of regular inspection and maintenance. Routine and simple
maintenance can be accomplished by the person in charge of the weather
station. More difficult maintenance such as sensor calibration, sensor
performance testing (i.e., bearing torque), and sensor component replacement,
generally requires a skilled technician, or that the instrument be sent to
Campbell Scientific or the manufacturer.
A station log should be maintained for each weather station that includes serial
numbers, dates that the site was visited, and maintenance that was performed.
6.1.1 Instrumentation Maintenance
The instrumentation requires a minimum of routine maintenance. A few
preventative maintenance steps will optimize battery life and decrease the
chances of datalogger failure.
6.1.2 Batteries
Rechargeable power supplies should be connected to an AC transformer or
unregulated solar panel at all times. Be aware of battery voltage that
consistently decreases over time, which indicates a failure in the charging
6.1.3 Desiccant
Enclosure humidity is monitored in the ET Enclosure systems by an RH chip
incorporated into the connector board. Change the desiccant packs when the
enclosure RH exceeds 35%.
Desiccant may be ordered through Campbell Scientific (DSC 20/4) or item
Desiccant packs inside of the dataloggers do not require replacement under
normal conditions.