Never usea spray cleanertoclean the doorpanel for it could damage the door lock and electrical components. It is not allowed
tousethe abrasiveagent orsome paper towel becauseof therisk of scratching orleaving spotson the stainless steel surface.
To cleanthe edgearound the door, you should use only a soft warm, damp rag. Toprevent
penetration of waterinto the door lock andelectrical components, do not use a spray cleaner
Also, neveruse abrasive cleaners orscouring pads onthe outersurfaces because they will
scratch the finish. Some papers towelscan also scratch orleavemarks on thesurface.
Somethingwilloccasionallymoveintothefilters andthe drain pump.If this occurs, the drain
pumpsemployed inyourdishwashersare designedto automatically reverse, ejecting the
item back into the sump areaor down the drain.If you have toremovean obstacle from the
drain pump, before you remove the filters,you should turnoff thepower; Thenremovethe
small black insert from the sumparea. (You might want to removeany standingwaterfirst).
Scoop out the item that is probably in the sumparea and causes the obstruction. Remember
toreplace the black insertbefore you put the filters back in.
After every wash, turnoff the water supply to the
appliance and leave the door slightly ajar so that
moistureand odors are nottrapped inside.
Before cleaning or performing maintenance, always
removetheplug fromthesocket. Donot run risks.
Toclean the exterior and rubberpartsof the dishwasher,
do notuse solvents or abrasivecleaning products.
Rather, use onlya cloth andwarm soapy water.
Toremove spotsor stainsfrom the surfaceof the
interior, use aclothdampened withwater anda little
white vinegar, or a cleaning product made specifically
for dishwashers.
When you go on holiday,it is recommened that yourun a
wash cyclewith the dishwasher emptyand then remove
the plug from the socket, turnoffthe water supplyand
leave the door ofthe appliance slightly ajar. This will help
the seals last longer andprevent odors fromforming
within theappliance.
If theappliance must be moved,try tokeep it in the vertical
position.If absolutely necessary, it can bepositioned on
its back.
One of the factors that cause odors toform in the
dishwasher isfood thatremainstrapped inthe seals.
Periodic cleaningwith adamp sponge willpreventthis
from occurring.