Protocol Settings
Using a TCP/IP Network
You can only output a banner page if you are using the optional UFR II/PCL Printer
Kit or the optional PS Printer Kit.
Output of a banner page is set on a print-job basis. Even if [On] is selected for
<LPD Banner Page>, a banner page cannot be output for a print job unless it is set.
On the TCP/IP Settings screen, press [RAW Print Settings] ➞
specify the following.
Specify the Raw print settings if you are using the optional UFR II/PCL Printer Kit,
the optional PS Printer Kit, the optional Super G3 FAX Board, or the optional
Super G3 Multi-Line FAX Board.
[On]: You can use Raw as the print application.
If you want to establish bidirectional communication using Port 9100, press [On]
for <Bidirectional Communication>.
On the TCP/IP Settings screen, press [SNTP Settings] ➞
specify the following.
[On] for <Use SNTP>: You can perform time synchronization using SNTP.
Select the interval for performing time synchronization in <Polling Interval>.
In [NTP Server Address], enter the NTP server address or host name.