Chapter 10 Troubleshooting
Password is incorrect.
Cause The password that was entered is incorrect.
Solution Enter the uppercase and lowercase letters for the password correctly.
There is no file name specified.
Enter a file name or enable the
‘Auto file name’ setting.
Cause A file name was not entered and “Auto file name” is set to [None].
Enter a file name or set “Auto file name” to other than [None]. (See
p. 5-34.)
Log in failed. Settings may
currently be in the process of
being edited via the Web.
Cause User settings are being edited via the Web menu.
Solution Contact the administrator of the ScanFront.
Log in failed. A version upgrade
may currently be in the process
of being executed.
Cause The version of the ScanFront is being updated via the Web menu.
Solution Contact the administrator of the ScanFront.
Cannot write logfile. Sending
files will be aborted.
Write permission has not been granted for the shared folder specified as
the save destination of the log file.
Solution Check the settings and access permissions of the shared folder.
You can’t use following
character for File name.
Cause Invalid characters have been used to set the customer file name.
Make sure the custom file name does not contain any of the following
/ : ? * " < > |
The character string includes
invalid character.
Cause Invalid characters have been used to set the index file.
Make sure none of the following characters are used in strings
contained in the index file:
& " ' < >
Not enough memory to execute
current scanner settings. Please
see “Troubleshooting” section at
“INSTRUCTIONS” or “Operating
There was not enough memory available for the set scanning
Reset the scanning conditions. Refer to “Not enough memory to
execute scanner settings” below.
Log in failed. A version
Password may be changed.
User password was changed on the authentication server while server
authentication and fingerprint authentication are both used to log in.
Without using fingerprint authentication, enter your user name and
changed password to log in, and then re-register your fingerprints.
Log in failed. Authentication
server is not found.
The user specified when logging in does not exist in the authentication
Make sure you correctly enter your user name and password. Contact
the administrator of the ScanFront if this problem persists.