Card Reader-C1
Optional Equipment
❑ Press [ ] (Page Limit) next to [On]/[Off] of the desired function(s) ➞ enter the
page limit restriction using - (numeric keys).
The machine stops sending a fax if the Scan Limit is reached while faxing a
document either from memory or directly to the recipient.
The machine stops scanning if a scan limit is reached while the machine is
scanning originals that are being fed from the optional feeder. (Those originals that
were scanned before the limit is reached are not added to the scan count.)
If you make a mistake when entering a number, press (Clear) to clear the
You can set the page limit from 0 to 999,999 pages. Once the page limit is reached,
copying, scanning, or printing is not possible.
The page limit refers to the number of printed surfaces. Therefore, a two-sided print
is counted as two pages.
❑ Press [OK] ➞ [OK].
If you would like to limit users to certain functions of the
machine, press [Limit Functions].
Press [On] or [Off] next to the functions you want to limit
using Department ID Management ➞ press [OK].
If you select [On] for all of the functions on the screen, Department ID
Management is set for all of the machine's functions.
If you select [Off] for all of the functions on the screen, Department ID
Management is set only for copying or printing operations from computers.
[Send] appears if the Universal Send Kit is activated, and the optional Super G3
FAX Board or Super G3 Multi-Line FAX Board is installed, or if only the Universal
Send Kit is activated. If only the optional Super G3 FAX Board or Super G3
Multi-Line FAX Board is installed, [Fax] appears.