Printing Problems
This section contains problems and solutions related to your printer or
the software you are using.
Printout is Wrong
If strange characters appear in your output, there may be a
communications problem between the printer and your computer.
If your printed output does not appear as you expect, follow these steps:
1. Make sure your cable connections are secure.
2. Check that the printer control mode (BJ-10 or Epson LQ)
matches the printer driver you selected. See Chapter 5, Using the
Printer With Your Software, for details on selecting a printer
driver and a printer control mode.
Characters on Screen Do Not Match Printed Characters
Many graphics characters and special symbols are produced by different
ASCII codes on each make of computer and printer. Set the correct
character table and printer control mode with the DIP switches.
If you would like to receive a printout for the character sets available in
BJ-10 mode and Epson LQ mode, you can use Canon's toll-free fax
retrieval system. Call the Canon help desk at 1-800-423-2366 and ask
for the fax retrieval system. Then request the BJ-200e Printer Command
Summary. This document includes samples of each available character
Printing Beyond Edge of Page
If the printer is printing only part of each line, follow these steps:
1. Make sure the paper is aligned correctly in the sheet feeder.
2. Check the software setting for the correct margins.
3. Check the setting of DIP switch 1. This DIP switch controls the
horizontal print position:
For letter-size paper, set it to OFF.
NOTE: Make sure your interface cable is no longer that 6.6 feet. Avoid
using A/B switch boxes or switch boxes that have a total cable length of
more than 6.6 feet.