Chapter 7 Troubleshooting 109
Problem Cause Solution
Blurred or smudged ink The selected print mode Select the print mode most
may not match your needs. suitable for your needs.
When printing through the
Canon BJ-30 printer driver
for Windows, select the
suitable print mode from the
printer driver dialog box.
The print medium being If your printout has ink-
used may not be acceptable. stained areas, try using Fine
Use only print media
specified in Selecting Paper
Types on page 31.
You may be printing on Paper has a right side for
the wrong side of the sheet. printing. If the print quality
is not as clear as you would
like, try turning the paper
over and printing on the
other side.
Paper edge is soiled The platen in the printer Clean the platen with a
with ink may be soiled with ink. soft cloth (see page 78).