Protocol Settings
Using a TCP/IP Network
On the IPv6 Settings screen, press [Manual Address Settings]
➞ specify the following.
[On] for <Use Manual Address>: You can set the IPv6 address manually.
Enter the IPv6 address value in [Manual Address] and the IPv6 address prefix
length in [Prefix Length].
Enter the default router address value in [Default Router Addr.] and the default
router address prefix length in [Prefix Length]. If you do not want to specify the
default router address, leave [Default Router Addr.] blank.
You cannot set a multicast address, an address composed entirely of zeros, or an
address that starts with 'fe80' other than 'fe80:0' or 'fe80:1' in [Manual Address].
You also cannot use a manual address if you leave [Manual Address] blank.
You cannot enter a multicast address or an address composed entirely of zeros in
[Default Router Addr.].
On the IPv6 Settings screen, press [Use DHCPv6] ➞ specify
the following.
[On] for <Use DHCPv6>: You can use DHCPv6 to obtain a stateful address from
a DHCP server.