Using Canon's Specialty Papers
This selection provides guidelines for printing on Canon's Specialty Papers and
describes special procedures required for High Resolution Paper and Fabric
Specialty Paper Guidelines
Be sure to read any instructions that come with your Canon
specialty paper. These instructions provide important information
regarding how to achieve the highest quality with these papers.
For transparency film, back print film, high gloss photo film, and glossy photo
paper, follow these guidelines:
o When automatically feeding transparencies or back print film, remove
each sheet after it is delivered. Do not allow film sheets to stack up.
o Let the printed sheets of film or paper dry completely before storing them.
Paper type Drying time (approx.)
Canon High Gloss Photo Film
Canon Glossy Photo Paper GP-201
Canon Fabric Sheet FS-101
Canon Back Print Film BF-102
Canon CF-102 Transparencies
10 minutes
2 minutes
1 hour
15 minutes
15 minutes
o When a sheet of film has dried completely, cover its printed side with a
sheet of plain (not coated) paper before storing it; this is recommended
even if you place the sheets of film in a clear file or plastic holder.