
Chapter 10 Troubleshooting 10-13
MP L6000—USERS MANUAL/V000/12-97
Message Error Code Cause Action
COMMUNICATING You tried to send a fax Wait until the fax is
PLEASE WAIT manually when the sent, or use memory
MultiPASS was already sending.
sending a fax from
DOC TOO LONG #003 It took more than 32 Divide the document
minutes to send or and send or copy each
copy a document. part separately.
It took more than 32 Contact the other party.
minutes to receive a Have them divide the
document. document and send
each part separately.
The document is longer Use a copy machine to
than 39.4 inches (1 m). make a reduced copy of
the document and send
the copy.
DOCUMENT READY The document in the Send the fax, scan the
ADF is ready for faxing, document, or make a
scanning, or copying. copy.
ECM RX The MultiPASS is ECM transmissions may
ECM TX receiving (RX) or take longer than normal
sending (TX) a fax transmissions. Turn off
using ECM. ECM if you need to
receive or send quickly,
or if you know your local
lines are in good
HANG UP PHONE The telephone is Place the telephone
off hook. properly into its cradle.
LOAD PAPER The MultiPASS is out Load paper in the multi-
of recording paper purpose tray. Any
(the multi-purpose documents received in
tray is empty). memory will be printed
MEMORY FULL #037 The memory of the
Print out any documents
MultiPASS is full that are stored in
because it has received memory. Then start the
too many documents, operation again.
or a very long or
detailed document.
Memory is full because Divide the document
you tried to send too and send each part
many pages at once, separately.
or a very long or
detailed document.
PLEASE WAIT sending a fax and its continues to send the
memory is full. fax as memory becomes