3 Direct Printing with DPOF
ACP Direct / SBJ Direct
Set the [Style]. (p.139)
Start printing.
Select [OK], then press <0>.
X The printing will start.
To stop the printing, press <0> while
[Stop] is displayed, then select [OK]
and press <0>.
When printing with PictBridge or BJ Direct, be sure to set the paper size.
With PictBridge, some printers cannot imprint the file No.
If [Bordered] is set, the date might be imprinted on the border,
depending on the printer.
The date might look light if it is imprinted on a bright background or
Under [Adjust levels], [Manual] (p.136) cannot be selected.
With CP Direct, if [Print type] is set to [Index], the number of images
printed on one index sheet will be as follows:
• Credit card size: 20 images • 9 x 13 cm size: 42 images
• 10 x 14.8 cm size: 63 images
As for the number of index images with BJ Direct, see the BJ printer’s
instruction manual.
If you stopped the printing and want to resume printing the remaining
images, select [Resume]. Note that printing will not resume if you stop
the printing and any of the following occurs:
• Before resuming the printing, you changed the print order settings.
• Before resuming the printing, you erased an image that was to be
• In the case of index printing with CP Direct, you changed the paper
cassette before resuming the printing.
• In the case of index printing with PictBridge, you changed the paper
settings before resuming the printing.
• When you stopped the printing, the CF card’s remaining capacity was
If a problem occurs during printing, see page 138 for PictBridge, page
141 for CP Direct, and page 141 for BJ Direct.