◦ Hex
Specify a 10-digit or 26-digit string that can contain hexadecimal (0 to 9, A to F, and a to f).
• Key Length
Length of the WEP key. Select either 64 bits or 128 bits. Longer key length allows you to set a more
complex WEP key.
• Link Quality
The status of connection between the access point and the printer excluding noise (interference) is
indicated with a value from 0 to 100%.
A platform-independent printing protocol used in TCP/IP networks. It is not supported bidirectional
• MAC Address
Also known as the physical address. A unique and permanent hardware identifier that is assigned to
network devices by its manufacturer. MAC addresses are 48 bits long and are written as a
hexadecimal number separated by colons, i.e., 11:22:33:44:55:66.
• Operation Status
Indicates the status on whether the printer can be used.
• Proxy server
A server that links a LAN-connected computer to the Internet. When using a proxy server, specify the
address and the port number of the proxy server.
An encryption method employed by WPA/WPA2.
• Router
A relay device to connect to another network.