• Orientation is enabled only when Text or Date/Time/User Name is selected for Stamp Type
on the Stamp tab.
• Click Defaults to set the stamp position to Center and the orientation to 0.
Save settings Tab
The Save settings tab allows you to register a new stamp or delete an unnecessary stamp.
Enter the title to save the stamp you created.
Up to 64 characters can be entered.
• Spaces, tabs, and returns cannot be entered at the beginning or end of a title.
Shows a list of saved stamp titles.
Specify a title to display the corresponding stamp in Title.
Save/Save overwrite
Saves the stamp.
Enter a title in Title, and then click this button.
Deletes an unnecessary stamp.
Specify the title of an unnecessary stamp from the Stamps list, and click this button.
Background Tab
The Background tab allows you to select a bitmap file (.bmp) to be used as a background or determine
how to print the selected background.
Preview Window
Shows the status of the bitmap set on the Background tab.
Specifies the name of the bitmap file to be used as the background.
Select File...
Opens the dialog box to open a file.
Click this button to select a bitmap file (.bmp) to be used as the background.
Layout Method
Specifies how the background image is to be placed on the paper.
When Custom is selected, you can set coordinates for X-Position and Y-Position.
Adjusts the intensity of the bitmap to be used as a background.
Moving the slider to the right increases the intensity, and moving the slider to the left decreases the
intensity. To print the background at the original bitmap intensity, move the slider to the rightmost