Installing the Drivers & Software
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Installing the PIXMA MX432 / MX439 on Your Wireless Network
If you can’t find your CD-ROM, you may download the MX430 series Mini Master Setup, which includes the same step-by-step installation as the
CD-ROM, by following the instructions below:
1. Click here to access the MX432 Drivers & Software page.
2. Select the operating system of your computer in the dropdown lists (see example below).
3. Expand the ‘Drivers’ section, if necessary, by clicking the red triangle.
4. Click on the ‘MX430 series Mini Master Setup’ entry.
5. After reading the license agreement, click ‘I Agree – Begin Download’ and save the file to your computer.
6. Once the download is complete, double-click the file from its download location to begin the installation.
7. Follow the same instructions as you would if using the Setup CD-ROM. Click here to go to instructions.