Creating Web Pages
Java Viewer Parameters
You can specify applet parameters to provide an applet tailored to modify the behaviour or
appearance of applets. Refer to the table below to ensure that you thoroughly understand the
Parameter Name
bg_color Yes
Use this parameter to set the background color. The parameter specification format
is“#RRGGBB” (values between 0 and 255 for each component color expressed
as a hexadecimal).
Eg. White: “#FFFFFF”, Grey: “#AAAAAA”, Green: “#00FF00”
If this parameter is omitted, the default background color is used.
close_image Yes
You can use this parameter to specify the screen displayed in the video display
window at the time of disconnection. Specify the name of a JPEG or GIF file. If
this parameter is omitted, the default disconnection screen is displayed.
comment Yes
This parameter specifies the comment text string displayed as an overlay on the
applet. If this parameter is omitted, no comment is displayed.
gui-type Yes
Specifies whether the panorama window should be pop-up displayed or embedded
in the page. Specify “embed” for making it an embedded display. When specifying
“embed”, the Width and Height of the applet tags must be specified a little larger
(Eg. width=500; height=660).
hostname Yes
This parameter specifies the host name displayed in the applet. This value is
used as the host name in messages displayed during connection, etc. If this
parameter is omitted, no host name is displayed.
open_image Yes
You can use this parameter to specify the screen that appears in the video display
window until the first video image appears. Specify the name of a JPEG or GIF
file. If this parameter is omitted, the default startup screen is displayed.
When a startup screen is specified in the “open_image” parameter, this parameter
specifies the display time. The time is specified in milliseconds (1/1000 sec.),
and the default value is 0. The image is displayed until the first video frame
appears. Values from 0 to 30000 (30 seconds) can be specified.
show_capture Yes
This function specifies whether the Snapshot button is displayed. Specify “on” or
“off”. The default value is “on”. The button is always displayed unless “off” is
explicitly specified.
show_comment Yes
This function displays the comment as an overlay on the video image. Specify
“on” or “off”. The default value is “off”.
show_counter Yes
This function displays the frame count as an overlay on the video image. Specify
“on” or “off”. The default value is “off”.
show_fps Yes
This function displays the frame rate as an overlay on the video image. Specify
“on” or “off”. The default value is “off”.
This function displays the host name as an overlay on the video image. Specify
“on” or “off”. The default value is “off”. Note that this parameter is only valid if the
“hostname” parameter is specified.
Specify whether or not to display the panorama window pop-up button. The default
value is “on”.
Using the Java Viewer to Distribute Videos