Notes on Operating Environment
Notes on Use with Windows Vista
The following restrictions apply when the VB-C500D is used with Windows Vista Home Premium/
Network Video Recorder VK-Lite v2.1
Warning dialog box displayed upon opening of the [Storage
Server Settings] dialog box
If the User Account Control is enabled in Windows Vista, the User Account Control dialog box
appears when the Storage Server Settings tool is started.
Click [Continue] and start the Storage Server Settings tool.
Video Storage Folder
In Windows Vista, do not specify the Windows folder or Program Files folder on the system
drive as the folder for storing snapshots and specified video files. Images and videos cannot
be saved in these folders.
Shadow Backup Function
The shadow backup function of Windows Vista cannot be used.
If a setting file of VK-Lite was accidentally deleted, for example, the file cannot be restored
using the shadow backup function.