● Animation
Images can be consecutively displayed.
[Top] button Shows the original image.
[Prev] button Shows the previous image.
[Play/Pause] button Plays/pauses the animation.
[Next] button Shows the next image.
[Last] button Shows the final image.
[Speed] bar Adjust the speed for animation play-
During animation, the “Top”, “Prev”, “Next” or “Last” button cannot be used. If you
want to use any, click the “Play/Pause” button to stop the animation.
● Zoom in/out
Images can be zoomed in/out.
[Magnification] Shows the current magnification (10~500%).
[Zoom in] button Enlarges images by 10%.
[Zoom out] button Reduces images by 10%.
[Move] button If any image size is greater than the display area, you
can move the image display position. Clicking the
“Move” button to position the mouse cursor on the
image changes the cursor to . Move while
pressing the left mouse button on the image. The image
display position will be moved.
Using VBCollector