HTTP Server Messages
H143 User name specification error [notice]
H144 Password specification error [notice]
H145 Connection denied due to host access limitation [notice]
H201 Timeout disconnect [warning]
System messages
S001 System started [info]
S002 System settings changed [info]
S010 Event service started [info]
S011 Event service shut down [info]
Description (http_auth.c.XXX) get_password failed (H143)
Meaning An unknown user was specified in user authentication.
Description (http_auth.c.XXX) password doesn't match for %1 %2, IP:%3 (H144)
%1 URL XSS vulnerability countermeasure implementation (process equivalent to ftpd)
%2 User Name
%3 IP address
Meaning A wrong password was specified in user authentication.
Description (mod_haccess.c.XXX) host %1 access denied (H145)
%1 IP address
Meaning Connection was denied due to access limitation imposed on the host.
Description a request for %1 timed out after writing %d seconds (H201)
%1 Request URI
%d 360 (Timeout time)
Meaning Disconnected due to HTTP server timeout (360 sec.).
Description starting paramd (S001)
Meaning Parameter management module started.
Description Updated system settings. (S002)
Meaning Settings not requiring rebooting were changed.
Description starting event (S010)
Meaning The event service was started.
Description shutdown event (S011)
Meaning The event service was shut down.