• One (1) year full parts and labor, covers the entire unit.
All repair labor and parts found to be defective due to material or workmanship for on (1) full year (from date of
purchase) “in home” WARRANTY. This does not apply if the unit was subjected to other than normal household
use. An Authorized Factory Agency must provide Service during normal working hours. No charges will be made
for repair or replacement at the location of original installation or factory for parts returned pre-paid, through the
dealer and claimed within the warranty period, and found to be defective by Capital Cooking. Call claims,
regardless of warranty or non-warranty must be documented with photos and detailed description and/or narrative
of the problem.
This warranty shall not apply, nor can we assume responsibility for damage that might result from failure to follow
manufacturer’s instructions or local codes where the appliance has been tempered with or altered in any way or
which, in our judgment, has been subjected to misuse, negligence, or accident. Implied warranty shall not extend
beyond the duration of this written warranty. This warranty is in lieu of all warranties, expressed or implied and all
other obligations or liability in connection with the sale of this product.
• Installation or start-up
• Shipping damage
• Service by an unauthorized agency
• Use of unauthorized parts
• Service during hours other than normal working hours
• Improper installation
• Service visit to teach you how to operate the appliance, correct the installation, reset circuit
breakers or replace fuses.
• Repair other than normal household use
• Damage caused by accident, abuse, alteration, misuse, incorrect installation or installation not in
accordance with local codes
• Unit installed in non-residential applications
This warranty applies to appliances used in residential application only. It does not cover their
use in commercial situations. This warranty is for products purchased and retained in the 50
States of the U.S.A., the District of Columbia and Canada. This warranty applies even if you
should move during the warranty period. Should the original purchaser sell the appliance during
the warranty period, the new owner continues to be protected until the expiration date of the
original purchaser’s warranty period.