14. Frequently Asked Technical Questions
Q1. There is no coffee coming out of the grinder. It seems as
though the cof
fee is completely clogged inside the grinder.
What do I do?
A. Please follow the steps outlined in chapter 12d, page 12.
Q2. Can the grinder run without beans in the bean container?
A. Yes.
Q3. Can I have different grind amount settings for the current
and the pr
ogrammed mode?
A. Yes! See chapter 9.1, f.
Q4. How long does the machine keep the grinding and br
A. As long as the machine is plugged in. If the machine loses
power you have to reset the time and personal settings (see
chapter 9).
Q5. How do I know if the display shows the current or the
ogrammed setting?
A. The display always shows the current setting. To view the
programmed setting push and hold the PROG button. The
display will show “AUTO” and all settings for the Auto-On
Q6. Beans spilled into the water container. What do I do?
A. Unplug the machine, remove the carafe, empty the bean
container (as well as you can), r
emove the filter holder insert
and GoldTone filter, open the water container lid and turn the
machine upside down over a sink. After replacing all parts,
reset the time and program the machine again, see chapter 9.
15. Frequently Asked Coffee Questions
Q1. How much coffee should I use?
A. The grinder grinds approximately between 7 seconds (setting
“2, mild”) and 40 seconds (setting “10, strong”).
See chapter 9.2.
Q2. I want a full pot of coffee at 8:00 AM. What time should I
ogram the grinder to start?
A. Set the timer 15 minutes earlier (in this case at 7:45 AM).
Q3. The grinder makes a loud noise? No coffee is processed.
A. A stone blocks the grinder. Please call 1-800-767-3554.