Before First Use
• Unpack the grinder and remove all packaging materials.
• Clean all lose parts with a dry cloth.
• NEVER clean any parts of the grinder in the dishwasher.
• Make sure the upper burr disk (B) is properly inserted. If the disk is loose
install and tighten as follows:
1. Insert the upper disk inside the bean container (C) and turn it counterclock-
wise until the fineness selector (D) points to the number 9.
2. Then turn a bit more to tighten the upper disk. Move the fineness
selector back to position 1. The upper burr disk is now properly inserted.
When pulling on the roof of the upper burr disk it should no come out of
the grinder.
Please note:
• The grinder will not operate without the bean container lid (A) in place.
• The grinder will not operate without the ground coffee container (H) with the
Lid (G) inserted properly into the grinder.
First Time Grinding
• Plug in machine and make sure the upper burr disk is properly inserted.
• Fill the bean container with 3 or 4 tablespoons of coffee beans.
• Make sure the bean container lid is in place.
• Make sure the ground coffee container and the lid are in place.
• Turn the fineness selector to position 8 or 9.
• Turn the timer to position 12 and push the on/off button (E).
The machine will start grinding. When all beans are processed and the machine
is still grinding, you can push the on/off button to stop.
Fineness Selector.
Setting For use with the following household coffee equipment:
8 to 9........ French Press Coffee Makers* and Percolators
4.5 to 6......Most Espresso (non-pump) Steam/Boiler Machines
5 to 6..........All Capresso Drip Coffee Makers and most other drip coffee makers,
when using GoldTone Filters
3.5 to 5......All Capresso Drip Coffee Makers and most other drip
coffee makers, when using filter paper
3.5 to 5**....Capresso Pump Espresso Machines and most other pump espres-
so machines,
when using dark, oily beans
2.5 to 4**...Capresso Pump Espresso Machines and most other pump espresso
machines, when using medium brown, non oily beans
1 to 2.5**... Semi automatic and fully automatic coffee centers, with internal
e brew chambers
* please follow the instructions of your French press coffee maker (after pouring water
over the gr
ound cof
fee, stir thor
oughly to pr
event the gr
ound coffee from clogging).
** The fineness settings are approximate guidelines. NOTE: for espresso pump machines
and automatic coffee centers: If your coffee or espresso brews too fast, try a lower
number setting than indicated. If it brews too slowly, try a higher setting than the ones
recommended above.
Please note: the finer the grind setting, the longer it takes to grind a certain
amount of cof