• Pre-warm your cappuccino cup.
• Place your cup underneath the frothXpress (Fig. 15).
• Push the steam button (Fig. 3 )
HEATING. It will take a few
seconds for the system to be ready for steam.
• Make sure the dial of the frothXpress is in the range between
12 and 2 o’clock.
• When the display shows
READY push the steam button again.
STEAM. The frothXpress starts siphoning the milk and delivers
hot frothed milk into your cup. The factory setting for steam is
20 seconds. After 20 seconds the frothing will stop.
• If you want two cappuccinos, move the first cup aside and
place the next cup underneath the frothXpress and push the
steam button again. The above process repeats itself.
• You can also prepare for a
Latte now. Turn the frothXpress dial
to a position between 4 and 6 o’clock, place the cup under-
neath the frothXpress and push the steam button. Steamed
milk without froth will be produced.
• Now place your cup(s) under the coffee spouts and push the
1-cup or 2-cup espresso button. The coffee will flow into your
cups. Now you have two cappuccinos or one cappuccino and
one latte.
• Stir lightly so that the coffee and the milk form a nice brown
color below the milk froth (see video). Enjoy!
Please note:
• After the steam output stops, the J5 will hold the STEAM
READY function for approx. 40 seconds. This allows you to
add more steamed/frothed milk to the cups, or increase the
milk temperature (see below) or froth more milk.
• Once you push any of the coffee buttons, the
function is cancelled. The next time you push the steam
button, the system will first display HEATING and then READY.
How much froth?
Skim milk will produce more froth than regular milk.
The frothXpress system will always create more froth than the
Dual Frother system.
In order to get proper froth the milk cannot be too hot, otherwise
no froth will be created with the siphoning system. For most
users the milk temperature created with the dial at the 2 o’clock
position will be hot enough. You can increase the milk tempera-
ture as follows:
• After the frothing stops, turn the frothXpress dial to the
3 o’clock position, steam only (Fig. 12).
• Raise the cup containing the frothed milk so that the chrome
nozzle is immersed.
• Push the steam button again.
STEAM. Now steam will be
injected into the milk.
• After a few seconds push the steam button again to stop this
Warning: the milk is now extremely hot and might
burn you.
The frothXpress is ideal to produce unlimited amounts of hot
chocolate. Add chocolate syrup to taste to the cold milk and stir
well. Then follow the steps under chapter 12.1.1.
If you add one or two shots of espresso you have created a