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3.1.7 Day start time
A print out starts from the actual time and goes backwards until the time
set in this parameter, unless the ‘Print time period’ is shorter. If the ‘Day
start time’ is set to “00:00” only the ‘Print period time’ is applicable. This
allows you to print back to a maximum of 24 hours.
1.7 Day start time
↑ ↓ edit <-menu
3.1.8 Day end time
This option is only used when printing a historical date. The print will
start with the time set in this option and goes backwards until the
required ‘Day start time’. The ‘Print time period’ is not applicable.
1.8 Day end time
↑ ↓ edit <-menu
3.2 Alarm menu
Up to four different alarm types can be allocated to up to four different compartments. The various alarms (and
compartments) are only available if the supervisor has pre-set and configured them in the parameter menu.
By pressing the yellow button the alarm menu will open. With [↑], [↓] you
can toggle between the pre-set compartments. Between ‘(..)’ the actual
setting is displayed. By pressing [edit] you can determine an alarm for
the relevant compartment.
2.1 Comp. 1
↑ ↓ edit <-menu
With [<], [>] you select the desired alarm type (including alarm off). By
pressing [accept] the chosen alarm will be activated.
2.1 Comp.1
< > accept <- cncl
: In case of an alarm condition, an acoustic signal will be audible and on the display the corresponding
temperature input will flash.
After an alarm is accepted with the yellow button the acoustic signal will stop but the alarm remains active until the
temperature is again within the limits (for each compartment the desired alarm can be activated).
As soon as a protocol is selected in the recorder to communicate with the micro of an Advance Microprocessor, TM
or R/TR unit, we have in Menu 2.1, the name COMP1 for compartment 1 set automatically to “on”.
The “off” choice can be selected by the user to disable the alarm. The Pre-set alarm groups are not available
anymore at this level.
The same principle is applicable for compartment 2 and 3.