v2.0 - English
Motion detector:
Select the option On to activate the video sensor.
Select sensor field:
The areas of the image to be monitored by the video sensor are selected here. The
video frame is subdivided into 396 square cells. Each of these cells can be
activated or deactivated. If it is necessary to exclude particular regions of the
camera field of view from the monitoring process because of, say, continuous
movement (e.g. due tree movement in a wind), the relevant cells can be deactivated
(use mouse click for this operation)
Local sensitivity:
The basic sensitivity of the video sensor can be adapted for the ambient camera
conditions. The sensor reacts to brightness variations in the video image. The
darker the observation range, the greater the value that must be selected here.
Adjust the sensitivity by moving the slider to the desired setting with the mouse key
held down.
Average n [frames]:
It is possible to define the number of frames during which a movement is monitored
in order to generate an alarm. In this way, it is possible to prevent generating a false
alarm, e.g. by a bird flying across the surveillance area. Select the desired value by
moving the slider to the desired position with the mouse key held down.
Object min size [n*] blocks:
The number of sensor cells, which a moving object must cover in order to generate
an alarm, can be specified. In this way it is possible to prevent too small objects from
producing an alarm. For this, the minimum recommended value is 2 (2 × 2 sensor
fields). Select the desired value by moving the slider to the desired position with the
mouse key held down.
Alarm indicator:
To prevent false alarms, a motion signal can be matched to a given alarm threshold.
In this way, for example, it is possible to filter out effects caused by the background
noise generated in the camera itself. The blue line indicates the alarm threshold.
Any value greater than this will produce an alarm signal. The components of the
motion signal generating the alarm are indicated in red. The alarm threshold can be
varied to suit individual requirements.
Take note of the amplitude of the movement signal displayed in the window over a
long period and at all light levels likely to be encountered in practice. Move the
mouse pointer onto the blue line. Holding the left mouse button pressed, move the
blue line to the required position.
Motion tracking:
For certain applications, it can make sense to generate an alarm only if movement
takes place in a particular direction. You can activate the motion detection and
select the direction of movement required to generate an alarm. Select the option
On, in order to activate the motion tracking feature of the video sensor.