
Stardance Natural Vent Gas Heater
Screen in place
6/13/01 djt
Fig. 46 Screen in place.
Warming Shelf
Warming shelves add versatility to your stove and can
be used to keep foods warm at mealtime.
Model Color
2702 Classic Black
2684 Biscuit
2685 Chestnut Brown
2688 Vt. Classic Green
2704 Bordeaux
2706 Forest Green
2711 Midnight Blue
2764 Sand
2765 Ebony
The shelf installation is done in three stages. First at-
tach the shelf loosely to the stove, leaving the screws
loose enough to allow final adjustment. Then, position
the shelf and adjust the brackets so the shelf fits cor-
rectly. Finally, tighten the screws.
Refer to instructions provided with shelves for complete
installation procedures.
Decorative Rings
4” brass or black rings are available to add a decorative
touch to the exposed stove pipe.
Model Description
4FSDRB/4 4” Black Rings (4)
4FSDRP/4 4” Polished Brass Rings (4)
Outside Air Adapter
An outside air adapter, #5076, may be added to the
stove to bring fresh air for combustion directly from
outside the building into the stove.