
Page 9SKU 95887
For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353.
of the Oven Cabinet. Turn the Main Switch (1) to “ON” and set the Thermostat (3)
at 450 degrees Fahrenheit. The Thermostat (3) may be tested at any stage (up to
450° F during this phase of the test. To make the test, compare the readings of the
readings of the Thermometer (not included) that was placed inside the Oven and
the Oven Thermometer (9). If the two readings are NOT the same, the Thermostat
(9) should be adjusted. Only a qualified technician should perform any adjustments
to the Thermostat (9).
To test the “heating up” time: Close the Oven Door and close both Adjustable
Vents on either side of the Oven Cabinet. Turn on the Main Switch (1) to “ON” and
set the Thermostat (3) at 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Observe the Thermometer (9)
and use a stop watch (not included) to record the amount of time the Oven takes
to reach the desired temperature of 450° F.
To Test for Temperature Drift: Close the Oven Door, close the Adjustable Vents
on either side of the Oven Cabinet. Turn the Main Switch (1) to “ON” and set the
Thermostat (3) to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. To test for any temperature “drift” (any
variations in the preset temperature), the reading on the Thermometer (9) should be
recorded once every hour for a period of eight hours. The temperature “drift” should
not exceed + or - 10° F. If the temperature does exceed these specifications, have the
Thermostat (3), the Blower Motor (7), Fan Blades (8) and the Heaters (4) checked
for proper operation. Have this service provided by a qualified technician only.
To test the Temperature Recovery time: Close the Oven Door, and close the
Adjustable Vents on either side of the Oven Cabinet. Turn the Main Switch (1) “ON”
and set the Thermostat (3) to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. When 450° F is reached,
open the Oven Door for exactly one minute. Close the Oven Door and observe the
Thermometer (9). Within thirty minutes the Thermometer (9) should reach 120° F.
If the “recovery” time is more than 20 minutes, have a qualified technition check the
Blower Motor (7), Fan Blades (8) and Heaters (4) for proper operation.
To test Thermostat Reproducibility: When the last temperature reading has been
taken at the end of the “Temperature Drift” test. (see step #5 of this section). Turn
the Main Switch (1) “OFF” but make sure to leave the Thermostat (3) set at 450
degrees Fahrenheit. Leave the Powder Coat Oven undisturbed with the Oven Door
closed for 24 hours. At the end of this period, turn the Main Switch (9) “ON”. Leave
the Thermostat (3) at 450° F for at least three hours. At the end of the three hour
period the temperature should be within + or - 10° F of the 450° F. If the Tempera-
ture “drift” exceeds the 450° F a qualified technician should inspect and check the
Blower Motor (7), Fan Blades (8), and Heaters (4) for proper operation.
To test for Temperature Overshoot: Close the Oven Door and close the Adjust-
able Vents on either side of the Oven Cabinet. Turn the Main Switch (1) “ON” and
set the Thermostat (3) to any temperature up to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. At least
every five minutes record the temperature reading on the Thermometer (9) as the
“set” degree reading approaches, finally settles and then, does NOT fluctuate. The
maximum temperature recorded should not exceed 10° F over the degree setting