
Auto Feed Drill and Tapper Applications
Hydraulic cylinder
Drilling and tapping Ø6mm holes in alloy steel
Tool Type
4 AFD41-1250-A1-B2 with skip feed control unit
1 AFTE47-830-A6-B24 with tapping chuck and
control box
1 R12104X 4 station rotary table
Parallel and base clamps, tubes
Cycle Time
20 seconds
Carburettor components
Drilling 2 Ø3mm and a Ø10mm hole in aluminium
Tool Type
2 AFD22-4350-A1-K2 with hydraulic control units
1 AFD60-1600
Base and bar clamps
1 R12104H 4 station rotary table with hydrocheck
Cycle Time
5 seconds per component
Aluminium casting
Drilling and tapping Ø8mm holes
Tool Type
2 AFD41-3400-A6-B2
2 AFD41-790-A6-B8
All tools fitted with interface kits and exhaust
Mounted on bar clamps to vertical slides for
Cycle Time
Under 20 seconds
Automotive component
Drilling Ø6.4mm hole, 32mm deep and 4 Ø5.5mm
holes in mild steel
Tool Type
AFD60-3000 fitted with 2 spindle head and
hydraulic check unit
AFD41-2100-A1-B1 fitted with 50mm peck feed kit
2 AFD22-2700-A1-K32 with chucks and hydraulic
check units
Mounted on swivel and right angle clamps, base
clamps and tubes
Cycle Time
12 seconds
Air conditioning parts
Drilling 2 Ø6mm holes and spot facing 6 Ø16mm
holes 1.5mm deep in cast aluminium replacing
operations performed by a CNC machine
Tool Type
2 AFDE41-2350-A1-B2 fitted with interface kits
and hydraulic check units
AFE70-460-A1-T35 fitted with a 6 spindle head
and dwell kit
AFDE41 in bar, swivel, right angle and base
clamps and tube
Cycle Time
8 -9 seconds
Stainless steel component
Drilling Ø4mm and Ø8mm holes
Tool Type
AFDE41-1220-A1-B1 fitted with 25mm
hydraulic check units
AFDE62-860-A1-B1 fitted with 25mm hydraulic
check unit
Both tools mounted in swivel, right angle and
base clamps with tubes
Cycle Time
8 seconds