Install, Upgrade, and Maintenance Guide for Cisco Unity Connection Release 10.x
Chapter 1 Installing Cisco Unity Connection
Pre-Installation Tasks
Administrator Account Credentials:
Login: ____________________
Password: _________________
Sets the administrator credentials for
secure shell access to the CLI and for
logging into Cisco Unified
Communications Operating System
and Disaster Recovery System.
The administrator account should be
shared only with installers and
engineers who have a thorough
understanding and are responsible for
platform administration and
upgrades, and backup and restore
Note Ensure the password is at
least six characters long; it
can contain alphanumeric
characters, hyphens, and
Login: No.
Password: yes, using the CLI command
CLI > set password user admin
Note You can create additional
administrator accounts after
Certificate Information:
Organization: ____________________
Unit: ______________________
Location: _________________
State: ____________________
Country: _________________
Sets information used by the server to
generate certificate signing requests
(CSRs) that are used to obtain
third-party certificates.
Tip To enter more than one
business unit name, separate
the entries with a comma. For
entries that already contain a
comma, enter a backslash
before the comma that is
included as part of the entry.
For location, you can enter any
setting that is meaningful within your
organization. Examples include the
state or the city where the server is
Yes, using the CLI command
CLI > set web-security
First server in cluster (Yes/No): ____
If First server is No:
Publisher hostname: ____________
Publisher IP address: ____________
Publisher security password: ______
First server refers to the publisher
server. During the installation of
second or subscriber server, enter the
details of the first server.
Table 1-2 Gathering Information for Installation
Configuration Setting Description Can Setting Be Changed After Installation?