1) First, pull the crown out one ‘click’.
2) Next turn
the crown clockwise or counterclockwise so that either tip of the Mode hand is pointing to L-
TM or Local Time mode.
3) Push the crown in one ‘click’ to the closed position.
4) When the hands have stopped moving, pull the crown out two ‘clicks’.
5) Press and hold the upper right and lower right buttons simultaneously for two to three seconds, then
6) Following a confirmation tone, first the Function, then the Minute and finally the Second hand will
perform a ‘demonstration’ to indicate that the ‘all reset’ of the movement has completed.
7) Next, press and release the upper right button. The Minute hand will move to indicate the Hour, Minute
and 24 Hour hands can be set. Turn the crown clockwise or counterclockwise to set the Hour and
Minute hands to 12:00, and the Function hand to ‘24’. Please note the 24 Hour hand moves in
conjunction with the Hour hand and cannot be set independently. Turning the crown rapidly causes the
hands to advance continuously until the crown is again turned.
8) Now press and release the upper right button again. The Function hand will move indicating that is the
hand that can now be set. Turn the crown clockwise or counterclockwise so that Function hand points to
‘SUN’ and the date is set for 1. Turning the crown rapidly causes the hand to advance continuously until
the crown is again turned.
9) Press and release the upper right button again. The Second hand will move indicating the Second hand
can now be set. Turn the crown clockwise to move the Second hand to the ‘12:00’ position.
10) Push the crown in two ‘clicks’ to the closed position next to the case. This completes the all reset and
zero-positioning correction. You must now set the time and date.
1.) To begin, pull the crown out one ‘click’.
2.) Next turn the crown clockwise or counterclockwise so that either tip of the Mode hand is pointing to
‘TME’ or Time mode.
3.) Now pull the crown out an additional ‘click’ to the time setting position. The Second hand will move to
the 12:00 position.
4.) Turn the crown to change the position of the Hour, Minute and 24 Hour hands. Turning the crown
clockwise moves the hands forward and counterclockwise moves the hands backward. Turning the
crown quickly causes the hands to move continuously until the crown is turned again.