Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Using the INT9 card
Select Detector
Selects the detector whose parameters will be
set. If there is only one detector (channel)
configured on the Clarity Instrument, this
control will not be displayed.
Selects the input voltage range (in mV). The
selected range corresponds to the maximum
output voltage of the detector that the A/D
converter can still process.
Available ranges for INT9 card are 156, 1250
and 12 123 mV.
Sample Rate
Depending on Supply Frequency filter selected
in the
System Configuration - INT9 A/D Card Setup
dialog, the available sampling rates are 6.3,
12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200 and 400 samples per
second (for 50Hz mains frequency filter) or 7.5,
15, 30, 60, 120, 240 and 480 samples per
second (for 60Hz mains frequency filter).
Higher sampling rate allows for the
measurement of narrower peaks, but it also
means a larger amount of data which will affect
the size of the resulting chromatogram and the
speed of its processing.
Sample rate sufficient for successful peak
detection is about 20 samples per narrowest
A higher sampling rate also increases the
amount of noise.
Note: Range and Sample Rate are set individually for
each detector, as opposed to Mains Frequency set
for the INT9 A/D card as a whole.