Ac ces sory Line Con nec tion
Most vehicles have a separate accessory line to power the radio, electric windows, etc.
1. Turn on the ve hi cle’s ra dio and ro tate the ig ni tion key to ACC. The ra dio should turn on.
2. Lo cate the one wire that car ries +12V only when the ig ni tion key is in the ACC and ON
po si tions, but 0V while the key is in the START po si tion.
3. Cut this wire, then start the en gine. The ra dio should not op er ate.
4. Con nect the 12-pin connector’s OR ANGE wire to the ac ces sory wire as shown on page 4.
Sec on dary Ig ni tion or Heater/AC Wire
Many vehicles have two ignition or two heater/AC wires in order to split up the power
requirements of the temperature control system, onboard computers, fuel delivery system,
electronic transmission control, etc. If you are working on such a vehicle, you will find two
wires that both test as ignition lines or two wires that supply the heater/AC:
1. Connect the BLUE/BLACK wire to the coil of a relay for the second heater/AC line.
2. Connect the BLUE/ORANGE wire to the coil of a relay for the 2nd ignition line.
LED Status In di ca tor
Select a prominent location on the dash or console. Discuss placement with the owner.
1. Verify there is adequate space to accommodate the LED, then drill a 5/16” (8mm) hole
and route the wires through it.
2. Mate the LED connectors to the VIOLET and BLACK wire connectors as shown in the
diagram on page 5.
3. Press the LED into place.
Plain View 2 Coded Valet/Pro gram ming Switch
1. Discuss placement of the switch with the vehicle owner and avoid placing the switch
where it can be pressed accidentally.
2. Verify there is adequate space behind the selected location to accommodate the switch.
3. Drill a 5/16” (8mm) mounting hole, then insert the wires through the hole.
4. Mate the switch’s locking connectors to the WHITE and BLACK locking connector.
5. Remove the adhesive backing and press the switch into place.
Door Trig ger/In te rior Light Sup ply
The ACE 7500 has self-programming door trigger polarity. Door triggers on most autos are
negative (except most Rolls-Royce and Ford autos). To determine door trigger polarity, use
the following procedure:
1. Find the wire coming off the rear of the vehicle door switch.
2. Connect the negative voltmeter lead to ground.
3. Find the one wire that shows +12 volts when the switch is pressed in and 0 volts when
released. This is a negative trigger door wire.
4. If you don’t get the indications noted in step 3, find the one wire that shows 0 volts when
the switch is pressed in and +12 volts when released. This is a positive trigger door wire.
5. Connect the system’s thin GRAY wire to the door wire.
6. If the trigger wire is negative, connect the system’s BROWN/RED interior light supply
wire to ground. If the trigger wire is positive, connect the system’s BROWN/RED interior
light supply wire to the RED/WHITE wire.
NOTE: Clif ford Elec tron ics’ web site at www.clif ford deal ers.com (USER NAME
= roadshop PASSWORD = cliffg4) for Autho rized Clif ford Deal ers has de tailed
de scrip tions of wire col ors and lo ca tions for most for eign and do mes tic
ve hi cles. In stal la tion dia grams and pro gram ming pro ce dures for older Clif ford
prod ucts are also avail able. You can also obtain this information via the
Clifford Technical Support Computer Database or via our toll-free AutoFax or
our exclusive Circuit City Technical Support Hotline at 1-877-CLIFF-G4.